12v 12Ah Deep Cycle Mobility Scooter battery DC12-12
This premium battery is designed for general purpose Deep Cycle battery needs where space is limited. Electric Wheel Chairs, Portable Mobility Scooters.
Great quality battery, features AGM construction making it maintenance free and leak proof.
Replacement Mobility Scooter battery for smaller mobility Scooters and Electric Wheel chairs.
This Mobility Scooter battery is a Deep Cycle battery, meaning it is designed for cyclic and constant use ideal for Mobility Scooters, Electric Wheelchairs, Electric Motors and Solar and power back up applications.
Amp Hour: 12Ah
Chemistry: AGM
Terminal: F2
Length: 151mm
Width: 99mm
Height: 95mm
Total Height: 101mm
Mobility Scooter battery | Replacement Mobility Scooter battery | Powerchair battery | AGM Mobility Scooter battery | Full River DC12-12 | Electric Wheel Chair battery